I have a BS in Education and spent most of my teaching career teaching kindergarten. Bill retired from Quantico Marine Base where he was a Fireman..
Family, camping, reading, computers, looking at antiques
- Birthday
August 3
- Occupation
Bill...Retired Fireman Barb...Education (Retired)
- Currently own an RV
- Model Year
- RV type
5th Wheel
- RV brand name
Big Country
- RV floor plan name or number
:angel: bacaye
(the other half of ernhrt398)
2011 Big Country 3450 TS
2011 GMC 3500 (Crew Cab...Short Bed)
2009: Missouri
2010: Nashville, Illinois, Missouri
2011: Goshen, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa
2012: Illinois, Missouri
2013: Goshen, Illinois, Iowa
2014: Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa
2015: Arkansas, Goshen, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana