Recent content by EddieT

  1. E

    access panel for shower faucets

    That's just what I needed. Had not thought of an RV supply. Still new at this. Thanks, EddieT
  2. E

    access panel for shower faucets

    I have a 2011 Sundance RLS310 and have the same problem. Got frozen in the big storm in Texas last month. I guess the best plan that I can think of is to cut out around the current valve then make a new piece to cover the hole with the valve attached. I got this from one of the posts with the...
  3. E

    Heartland Sundance XLT 310RLS question

    I thought that was the case. Just did not get any manuals when I bought it. Thanks
  4. E

    Heartland Sundance XLT 310RLS question

    I have a question about the switch that looks like a light switch with a lighted toggle next to the Awning and Slideout switches. Is that for the water heater electric mode? I have a picture but apparently I cannot upload until I have had a couple of posts approved. Maybe this is the wrong...