Recent content by fox575

  1. F

    Crack in grey tank # 1

    I have found a crack on the corner where the lower portion of the tank begins expanding into the longer top section. Of course I didn't find it until I had owned the unit for a couple of years, and had let the tank get nearly full. I called Heartland and got the familiar refrain--YOU ARE OUT OF...
  2. F

    Waste water leaking from belly pan

    Here's an update on my leaking tank problem. I pulled the bathroom grey tank out today and found that, what looks like a polypropylene plug in the top of the tank, had a pulled free along one edge. It looks like it was put in with adhesive that obviously failed, probably due to tank flexing. It...
  3. F

    Waste water leaking from belly pan

    Because of the unpleasant smell, I assumed that it was the black tank that was leaking, but after reading your comments, I'm inclined to think its the grey tank. Does anyone know if Heartland will replace them out of warranty? Neil, it sounds like your leak was in the lower part of the tank...
  4. F

    Waste water leaking from belly pan

    Thanks, Rod. We just have one more month here in Mesa before heading home, so if it only leaks when the tank Is full I might try to get by until I get home. One of my neighbors here in the park said his tank split because it is only braced in the middle and can get over stressed when full. Joel
  5. F

    Waste water leaking from belly pan

    Thanks, Jim. I did look at the vent pipe connection and it looked okay, but the drain from the toilette is resting hard against the flooring just above the tank and could be putting a side load on the fitting. I guess I'll open up the hole in the floor and see if I can a better look at the...
  6. F

    Waste water leaking from belly pan

    A few days after dumping the tanks we noticed an odor in the bathroom and found liquid dripping from the underside where the drainpipes penetrate the bottom cover. I drained all the tanks and flushed the black tank, and the odor went away, and the dripping slowed quite a bit and stopped by...
  7. F

    Hitch info requested.

    I am ready to order a B & W Turnover and Companion. Is it a safe chioce for a smooth ride? Also, are the lube plates a good way to go?