Recent content by gesnider

  1. G

    Reading light bulb replacement

    Can anybody help to replace the bulbs in the recessed reading lights over the sofa in a 3600RL Bighorn? I am reluctant to pull the lights out, as a spring seems to be holding them in. Is it OK to just pull them out?
  2. G

    Slide-out damage to floor

    I have a new 2009 3600RL. The kitchen slideout is making an imprint on the linoleum. I am wondering if this is a common problem or if I could have something adjusted to overcome this. I am worried that if I put a mat down to protect the floor, it may get caught in the slideout.
  3. G

    Decoding your Heartland VIN

    VIN serial number Hi- I just picked up my 09 Bighorn on May 28, 2008 and the serial number is 13407. Looks like Bighorn isn't having a slowdown like many other RV businesses are having. Keep on truckin'.
  4. G

    Rv Capital Service Center New Facility

    we also had an excellent experience with the rv capital service center after we gave our bighorn a month long trail run. brian took care of every problem on the small list and even let us park on the lot an extra day while we waited for service to be finished on our ford. looove our bighorn.