Recent content by Rohwerk

  1. R

    Can I swap in recliners where my U shaped dinette is now?

    We have the U shaped Dinette in our slide out currently but are seriously thinking of switching to some recliners or a couch. Will this be too heavy for the slideout? Any suggestions on the best to buy?
  2. R

    18" Swivel Mount for 40" TV

    It moves ok. Just not far enough out from the cabinet to be fully visible from the bed. I think the wall where the shorter mount is currently should be strong enough to support a longer one. *Hopefully*
  3. R

    18" Swivel Mount for 40" TV

    I have a new Sundance 221RB Trailer that came with a 40" TV. The swivel mount doesn't come out far enough to turn the TV to be viewable from the bed. Does anyone see any issue with me mounting the 18" mount in the same spot as the OEM one? It's all in a wooden cabinet.