Recent content by TandT

  1. TandT

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: AZ, Quartzside - 01/22/2025 to 01/26/2025

    SOB Trace and Teri Westcott will also be at Blackrock space H-08 from 1-22 thru 1-26
  2. TandT

    Rest in Peace - Lori Dawson

    Rest in peace Lorie. John, please accept our sincerest condolences. It was a wonderful experience knowing Lorie and her kind, cheerful personality.
  3. TandT

    Rest in Peace - Bob Harstell

    Rest in peace Bob Hartsell, my friend. Bob was the first one to step forward and welcome me to the Heartland Owners Club when I first joined in 2010. He was also a bit of a mentor at times. Please accept our condolences Patty. Also our sincerest condolences to yours and Bob's entire families...
  4. TandT

    Rumors of My Demise are greatly exaggerated.

    Hello Heartland friends, Teri and I are taking some time off from rving. Just want everyone to know, all is well. Trace
  5. TandT

    Earthquakes in Alaska

    When I was stationed on adak Alaska in the early 70s we had a 7.4 magnitude quake. Most of the buildings in the Aleutian Islands are made to withstand major earthquakes. I was one of only two people from California who had ever even felt an earthquake, so you can imagine people from around the...
  6. TandT

    Welcome New Members - Texas North

    Welcome Stephen and Patricia. Trace
  7. TandT

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: ID, McCall, - 5/16/2019 to 5/19/2019

    Bruce and Terri, I apologize but change in plans, forces us to cancel out on your rally. Trace
  8. TandT

    EVENT: Heartland Regional Rally: CA, Jackson - 9/19/2018 to 9/25/2018

    Rod and Kelly, You did an amazing job and this is by far the best Regional rally we have ever attended! The venue here at Jackson Rancheria RV resort is simply perfection and you took it to another level with your well-thought-out planning and execution. Thank you for all of your hard work and...
  9. TandT

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: ID, McCall, - 5/16/2019 to 5/19/2019

    Terri and Bruce, Please add Teri and I to the list of those attending. In on 5-14-2019 out on 5-21-2019. Thanks Trace
  10. TandT

    Passing of an HOC friend

    Teri and I are very sad to hear of Bob's passing. It was a pleasure to have known him. Marion, please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Trace
  11. TandT

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: UT, Moab - 9/20/2018 to 9/23/2018

    Unfortunately we were not be able to attend this rally, as it is scheduled at the same time as the Pacific region rally. Trace
  12. TandT

    EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: CA, Temecula - 10/24/2018 to 10/28/2018

    Bill, unfortunately we are going to have to cancel our reservation for this Rally. Thank you, Trace
  13. TandT

    Dave Smith Motors

    PJ, I have only heard good things about Dave Smith over many years from various people. Trace ( okay I just noticed your original post is over 3 months old so this may not even be pertinent any more)
  14. TandT

    EVENT: Heartland Owners Meet-n-Greet: AZ, Quartzsite - 1/21/2019 to 1/27/2019

    Jim, at this time please show us as attending. Thank you, Trace
  15. TandT

    Wax or exterior surface protectant

    Rejex is a great product and I have used it for years. . But please understand it is a protectant for maintaining the Finish. It is not a restorer. If you don't stay on it and you're finish has gone South you will need to bring it back with a light oxidation removing product. Then the Rejex can...