We've been using a combination of expensive "Hoss Pads" we bought at Camping World and pads we made from a horse stall mat from Tractor Supply. Both are holding up equally well. Over time, I've given away (or lost in a wreck) several of the pads I made from the sheet. I still have a four foot by...
I'm down to my last couple of mods on our trailer, we've pretty much gotten most everything put away in their final locations and we've put a fair amount of extra stuff in our storage unit. We'll be heading south over the next couple days. Plan on an open house.
I've really lost track. Here's some I remember doing today (let alone the last few days):
Swapped out the Thetford toilet for a Dometic 320 (including an inline shutoff valve in the water line)
Hung pictures around the rig
Took several totes/boxes of extra stuff to our storage unit (we cheat a...
Mostly shopping today (lots of "what I dids" coming up this week).
Installed a new shower head holder that is adjustable.
Our TV is mounted on a big flip-up board (with a gas strut). Behind it is a set of shelves you can put DVDs and CDs in (or whatever suits you). I pulled the...
Put our travel map on the side of the rig and put all 34 states on that we've visited. (The 3650 has room between the door and the slide to place the map, so it's no longer on the side of the slide).
Wired up the hardwired EMS
Put a magnetic door stop outside on the main entry door. Now...
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
At Friday night's rally get-together here in Nashville, I gave a fairly emotional "Thank You" to the group present at the rally. I'll extend that on to this thread.
We genuinely appreciate everybody in the group and their heartfelt prayers and thoughts as...
In the last 24 hours:
Installed our RV Lock
Installed our wood shelf over our cord reel
Installed bug screens on the water heater and furnace
Installed our HOC plaque
Installed our plexiglass in the screen door
Cut down the bed platform for our queen mattress
Put vinyl peel and stick tiles on...
Not a bad looking group. Thanks, Nathan and Byrd, for the great rally! Glad we were able to load up our new rig and make the Friday/Saturday/Sunday part.
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
We did our PDI this morning, loaded the rig up with a U-Haul truck worth of boxes and stuff, checked out of our hotel and hit the road south to the Tennessee HOC Rally, arriving around 4:00 PM this afternoon.
No word yet from insurance, but we don't...
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
Today's update:
1. I drove the truck back over to Evansville and had the hitch installed. They were done about 1:30 PM.
2. Arranged for insurance for the new rig. Got everyone all connected together (insurance sending proof of coverage to credit union...
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
Not yet, so we will soon own two RVs for a while, at least. The old one is paid so far in advance, though, that the next payment is due next April. I've already cut off the auto payments on it.
Someone on here installed a dishwasher in their 3690SL. They didn't have the full outdoor bistro, just an empty space, but I'm sure most of the technical installation procedures would be similar.
Update: Here's a link to one. I thought there was someone else that had more detailed steps.
Two, with a third one pending.
2013 Big Country 3690SL
2015 Big Country 3950FB
2015 Big Country 3650RL (awaiting final paperwork)
I realized earlier today that we will have lived in all three of them this year alone.
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
Latest update:
The dealer selling us our replacement rig has gone ahead and moved it into service for delivery prep. They originally said Thursday (which we can't do) or Friday delivery but called at lunch today to say if we get them a check from the...
We won't be able to make the Opry. If someone wanted to go and didn't get in on the tickets, please feel free to use ours. Our latest plan is to arrive at the KOA on Friday. I need to call them and tell them we won't be there on Sunday.
Val and I are coming down to Cave City today. We plan on going downtown to see the Budweiser Clydesdales (one of my bucket list items, so yeah).
Here's the schedule from the Cave City convention center website:
2:30-4:00pm : Arrive Cave City Christian Church 3rd & Broadway Watch the horses...
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
Latest thought is that we might possibly be in Nashville by next Friday (I'll have to change my reservation at the KOA). This means we'll probably miss the Opry since the truck is getting a hitch on that Thursday. If they get it done in the morning we...
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
Thanks, Jim. That's pretty much it. However, had we not liked the 3650 floor plan, falling back to the front bath floor plan was next on the list.
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
About 98% sure at this point - our next trailer will be a 2015 Big Country 3650RL. Residential fridge, slide toppers, MorRyde hitch, ceiling beams, Dyson vac, theater seating.
Can't discuss actual pricing, but lets say it is a great price.
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
Truck is officially totaled. State Farm gave us a good value on it (a little better than I expected, but it does cover the hitch). They are paying off the loan and sending us the difference minus deductible (still working on other party's end of the claim)...
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
They haven't looked at it yet. Primarily so we had a chance to continue our trip for a family function without it. We will be back in it tonight and will call the adjuster to come out and look at it in the morning.
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
On a more cheery note, just located another potential replacement RV that is a floorplan we like, a price that I can probably talk down a bit more and in a location that is very favorable (though not my favorite dealer in the "world"). Might look at another...
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
I may have been jumping the gun. I guess just because an estimate was posted doesn't necessarily mean that they might actually try to fix it.
Yes, if they do fix it, I'll sell it for what I can get and try to get some difference as a diminished value claim.
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
Latest update:
On the way back from Durham, NC visiting family. We stopped and looked at a couple potential replacement trailers (Bighorn 3270RS and 3160EL) that really didn't fit us. Still deciding on a floor plan and might look at something tomorrow (back...
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
Today's update:
Talked to the claims person for the trailer. Found out they had given me to the wrong office originally (thus the disconnected number). This claims person's office is about 400 miles away up in Ohio. She doesn't have any adjusters nearby and...
Looks like we'll officially have to bow out of this rally. We'll be busy next week getting the trailer inspected for insurance after traveling to our family reunion over the weekend (without trailer). As soon as I get off the phone with our insurance company, I'll give the campground a call.
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
We got back this evening from picking up the new truck. Fairly hassle-free experience at Glenn Ford Lincoln in Nicholasville (Lexington area), Kentucky. Only differences noted from the 2013 (other than obvious things like King Ranch, 4x4, etc.) were that...
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
When discussing buying the new truck and talking about waiting until State Farm makes a decision, Bette Dick brought up a good point. Should they decide for whatever reason to fix our old truck, do we really want to drive it around pulling our fifth wheel...
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
Looking for the best deal we can get. If it doesn't come with pucks, we'll just have it retrofitted again.
Actually, insurance is having the truck towed to their own facility to do the claims inspection. We don't have a house to tow it to and it...
Re: Prayers for Malcolm & Vallerie
I'm waiting on insurance to send me a list of places to have the truck towed to for the adjuster to come look at it.
Since I will pretty much have to be in Nashville during the rally, if we don't have a trailer to bring we'll probably rent a camping cabin. There are several near or in the middle of the rally sites. I'll try to determine that as soon as possible. If this ends up being the case, we'll make sure...
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