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  1. Mavlar

    Slides in the 3585 RL question.

    Hi All I have a question on the slides in the 3585rl. I know the exterior walls are lamanated but the side wall in my unit are soft and dont feel lamanated like the outer walls do. is this normal? thanks Tom
  2. Mavlar

    Adding a 100Lb Propane tank.

    Hi There, We just picked up our new 3585RL Last wed and I was wondering what is the easy way to add a 100Lb tank? Thanks Tom
  3. Mavlar

    3585RL Bedroom TV Question

    I was wondering what is the opening size for the bedroom tv in the 3585rl is? Thanks Tom
  4. Mavlar

    Question on the 3585RL

    Hi I am new here and I just have a quick question, is the a remote in the bighorns for the awning, Jacks and lights? thank you Tom