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  1. P

    Fenders chipping

    The fenders on my MPG 180 are chipping and now look terrible. Would anyone advise painting them or alternately, where would I get new ones? Thank you.
  2. P

    MPG 181 Winterization

    I have a MPG 181 - Can someone please tell me where the water pump is with the sucker line?? I have looked under every panel (finally found the bypass on the water heater under the screwed in panels under bed - good grief) the kitchen sink, the dining banquets, but can't find it! Thanks:)
  3. P

    ATF: MPG - Microwave and electrical plugs

    I recently purchased a 180. When I brought it home I plugged into a garage outlet with the converter. Everything worked but now the plugs and micro doesn't work. The gfi in kitchen won't reset. The breaker is fine. Help? Is it bad to leave the rig pugged in all the time?