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  1. B

    New Heartland NT owner

    The sound coming from the bottom at the double axle when moving slowly, worse going forward. We have been on rural, uneven terrain mostly, no interstate yet. Many forums say is normal, but so loud!! It sounds like it is going to break, like the axles are going to snap! Is not the hitch or...
  2. B

    New Heartland NT owner

    The clanking and popping sounds are definitely coming from the bottom, the axles perhaps, and not as bad when backing up. We moved it tonight using only the ball hitch and on some uneven terrain but the clanking sounded like metal on metal with popping sounds, like a tin roof in the hot sun...
  3. B

    New Heartland NT owner

    We noticed a lot of clanking and popping sounds coming from underneath our 2012 NT 26 LRSS that we don't think is the hitch or equalizer. Many blogs say this is normal, still we're concerned as we would like to take it out soon. The dealer just says to bring it in..where it will sit for weeks...