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  1. 2

    MPG 181 Electrical (DC) problem

    On our first trip this fall with our new MPG 181 we encountered a strange electrical issue. The campground we were at lost 110v power in the middle of the night during a storm. We got up to check things out and turned on a couple of lights, obviously now on battery power. The lights stayed...
  2. 2

    MPG 181 Winterization

    I'm confused about the water heater. On my MPG there are two "low point" drains underneath, a hot and a cold. Won't the water heater drain, at least mostly, from this point? Also, if I pump anti-freeze into the system, won't some of that end up in the water heater? Also, where IS the water...
  3. 2

    MPG 181 Winterization

    Greetings all, we recently purchased a 181 (our first RV) and have had 2 great trips already but winter is approaching and our "lesson" on winterization at the selling dealer was brief to say the least. Is there anyplace that gives specific instructions on winterizing? What I think I know...