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  1. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    Mr. Kean, did you get it working In your previous note you said that both stats were lighting up. That would mean they are getting power. If that is the case then you may have to reset the thermostat itself. I know on my control box I had to communication cable plugin's. You may have to switch...
  2. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    Hi, I just replaced one of my old Blizzards with the new Blizzard NXT version. My first question is what type of thermostats do you have. My thermostats were climate control 11 that came with my Bighorn. Does your thermostat have a phone like connection.
  3. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    To all of you who helped me with all the recommendations I say thank you. I really fill so stupid at times because some of the hardest things to solve can be so accomplish. I finally found what the problem was. It was a fuse marked Rear Wall LP that was blown. Their are 17 fuses in...
  4. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    I have looked at all these things and checked out all the mentioned above recommendations. I hooked up all connections the same as the old unit. I'm almost positive that the problem is the yellow/white and white wire have no 12 v coming through it to connect to the control box circuit board...
  5. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    I live about twenty miles NE of Lebanon, just SW of Ft Leonard Wood. If you would like I'm willing to pay you instead of CW. To CoveredWagon,: I also thought about the 20 v circuit break being bad my self but didn't change it out. Do they take any special kind.
  6. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    I live in the middle of Missouri. Not to many places to take it too unless I want to drive a long ways. The one place close to me is 30 mi but not reliable. CW is 50 mi. They have done work before for me on the main AC. Not me choice but I'm just tired of working on it. I'm 74 and getting tired...
  7. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    Final note. I want to thank all of you for the help and suggestions you all provided in order to help me with my AC unit. It comes down to the point where I'm just spinning my brain trying to figure out why I'm not getting 12 v to the unit. I have checked and rechecked all 12 v fittings, fuses...
  8. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    I just pulled out the fuse pan box and all circuits going into show 12 v. The power converter box has to wires going to the fuse panel and going out I'm assuming to the battery for charging. All fuses are good. Still no 12 v power going to the front AC. The main AC has 12 v going to it and...
  9. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    Sorry about not getting back to you all, but it's been 90 plus degrees here plus high humidity. I will check out voltage input to the fuse holder to find if it's getting 12 v. There is a reset switch on the 12 v relay bar on the front wall compartment of the coach. Their is 12 v going in to...
  10. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    I just checked the 12 v fuse to the AC unit. There is no power to it or all the other fuses seem to give know reading although all the lights inside the coach are working. I pulled out different fuses from the socket and checked it there was any bolts your power to it and the meter didn't...
  11. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    The wires yellow/white and white had 12 v power before I turned the power switch off for 12 v in the carriage. Then after hooking everything back up there was no 12 v power. I didn't pull any line out so they should be no disconnection on the line.. the batteries are giving off 12 v to all the...
  12. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    I don't have any 12 v going to those wires and there is no going to red and black wire. I have checked to make sure all fuses and trip switches are on.. like I said there is 110 power going to the h541816A control box.
  13. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    I have checked both couplers or connections. I checked the control box and it is receiving 110 v. I also cked the red and black wire for 12 v and they are not given any voltage at all. There is one wire going into the coach which is a yellow/white and white. The red and black wire hook up to...
  14. K

    Dometic Blizzard AC Replacement

    Hello, I have a 2016 Bighorn 3270RS with 2 blizzard multi zone AC units. It has 2 CCC 2 thermostats. The front AC unit quit blowing cold air so I replaced it with a new Blizzard NXT unit. I turned all AC and 12 v power to the unit off before changing out the unit. I hooked up all the wires the...