Re: EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: IL, Chatham - 9/10/2020 to 9/12/2020
Hey Bill and Sue;
Just got a call from Gerry informing us that Heartland has pulled the plug on rally's thru the month of September. With that said, I will call Double J to let them know what is going on and also tell them...
Re: EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: IL, Chatham - 9/10/2020 to 9/12/2020
Hello Pam and Lyle;
I am guessing that you have gotten the word on our rally being cancelled and with that said and due to the conditions we will be canceling our reservation also. We hope you are doing ok and look...
We have a problem with the handle on the glass cooktop cover which looks like it is glued on to the glass. Well, the handle is coming loose and the question is should I try to re adhere the handle or attempt to drill the glass to add a couple of screws and nuts? Any thoughts will be welcomed and...
Hello Jay and Stella;
Nancy and I regretfully are not going to make it as we have decided to cancel our whole trip out west this year. We hope the rally is one of your best as I'm sure all will have a great time.
Re: EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: IL, Chatham - 9/10/2020 to 9/12/2020
Hello Dave and Carleen;
We are still here in Biloxi MS and will be for about two more months then heading for Jay and Stella's regional rally in Conroe TX. We are hoping that you are in a warm place and out of trouble...
Re: EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: IL, Chatham - 9/10/2020 to 9/12/2020
Hey Bill, Looking forward to seeing you and Sue not only at our rally but also throughout the year. Safe travels this year and see you in Texas!
Re: EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: IL, Chatham - 9/10/2020 to 9/12/2020
Thank you for the information as we have visited both locations in our travels but were always ready to explore it again and will look into a group tour.
Re: EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: IL, Chatham - 9/10/2020 to 9/12/2020
Michael here and the rally is in the planning stages at this time with a potluck and light entertainment. We are looking into a tour locally with all the history around Springfield and also a cornhole tournament...
Re: EVENT: Heartland Chapter Rally: IL, Chatham - 9/10/2020 to 9/12/2020
Hello Pam and Lyle;
Thank you for joining us and look forward to another great rally together. I’m sure that we will see you throughout the year, travel safe!
9683 Palm Road, Chatham, IL 62629
Hello everyone, Nancy and I are hoping you are all staying safe during this pandemic. I just received a call from Gerry Atkinson informing me that Heartland made a decision to cancel all rally's thru the month of September. With that said, I will call...
Hello Larry and Gail;
Sorry my reply is so late between the computer and the park Wi-Fi. But, Larry's rehab is far more important than our rally so keep working on it and I am sure that we will see you both down the road.
Take Care!
Thank you Larry and Gayle for a wonderful Rally. As new Chapter Leaders, we have picked up some valuable information and are looking forward to applying what we’ve learned.
Hello Don and Cindy;
It was great seeing the both of you in Alabama and are looking forward to getting together again several more times this year. I will be posting more to our rally moving forward as we get things put together. See you in Goshen!
Cool, although we have been there several times there is always new places to explore. Perhaps you might be able to help us get information on places that you find interesting and enjoy visiting.
Hello Chris and Sam;
We are looking forward to meeting you at the rally and keep watching this thread as we will be posting some local activities and points of interest.
Thank you Jan and Cathy, looking forward to getting together again, see you soon.
- - - Updated - - -
Hey Bill;
Not only did we make it for the Christmas Season but got out of town (St. Louis) before old man winter reared his head! BTW, we are still looking for that 5er to grow into...
Hello Paul and Sheila;
We are the Nilson's, Michael and Nancy and have just made our reservations for your rally in April. Our HOC number is 4512 and will be in site G-15 arriving on the 15th and leaving on the 29th, see you then.
Please help me welcome our newest members Travis and Dana Stuart to the North Central Region, Illinois Chapter. We hope to meet them soon at our next Rally at Whittington, ILL
We also have a 25LRSS and I am not sure what cover would fit but there are three ways to find out. One, would be to take it to camping world or your dealer and ask them for the correct cover. Two, I think that Dometic has a customer service number in your packet that you received you can call...
Thanks Gerry, we are looking forward to it as there is a lot to do after the first of the year. You and Debbie also have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas. We will talk more after the New Year.
Should we be concerned about doing any winterizing since we are fulltiming in our rig. We will be in St. Louis for November and December then Biloxi for January and February. I’m thinking that being in the rig Fulltime I should not have to be as concerned.
On my Northtrail,the wires to the awning were exposed near the top of the right rail and I felt that through use would cut the wire rubbing the rail. So I bought some plastic wiring shield, cut it down the middle, and installed it over the wire from the top to the bottom of the rail. When I got...
Thank you for the post, although I do not own a 5er as yet was still able to learn something from everyone. First the awning and I must admit that my wife and I watch that everywhere we set up and the second thing is the buckets. That makes perfect sense with the sway of the trailer not having...
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