I am totally overwhelmed with the concept of having a yard sale to get rid of all my possessions to go on the road. My wife has multiple sclerosis and I decided my job was killing me with stress. Can't take care of my wife if my job is making me sick, so figured I would give up the six figure...
Great Post, my wife is 70% VA disabled for spinal cord injury when she was in the air force. She has multiple sclerosis which is not service related according to the VA. I am on FMLA leave from my six figure job to provide care for her. I plan on quiting my job, selling my wonderful house on...
Thanks for the photos, I was thinking about installing a reloading bench in my garage and was greatful to see your idea. It appears to be a permanent mount or do you take it down? The bunk beds in my garage serve as 1) a place to store guns and 2) a place for fishing rods, and 3) the dogs...
Need front landing jack help myself
The Venture front jack motor and gears (which I gather are manufactured by Lippert) on my Cyclone seem to have multiple problems and I am afraid to unhitch from the truck at this point. First, obviously the nut on the drive bar was being sheered off from...
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