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  1. B

    On off touchpad for 12 V water pump is not working

    From what little I know about a KID panel it is not. The touchscreen that I have is shown in my first post. I have removed the Touch screen panel remove from the wall and I did not see a fuse anywhere on it. I’m guessing with the only couple of wires that are coming out of it it goes to a small...
  2. B

    On off touchpad for 12 V water pump is not working

    Thank you, I installed a new pump and have it wired direct to the battery and it works fine. Trying to figure out why the push button panel is not activating power to the pump. I have tested The wire coming from the panel to where it connects at the pump and there is no power whatsoever. I’m...
  3. B

    On off touchpad for 12 V water pump is not working

    Thank you very much for your response, I have installed a new pump and have it wired directly to the battery and it works perfectly fine. As of right now I am leaning towards something in the touch pad screen itself but not 100% sure.
  4. B

    On off touchpad for 12 V water pump is not working

    I have a 2017 landmark 365 tour. I have not used the water pump that much as most of the time it is in an RV park. Recently the RV park water was off so I had to use the pump. It worked fine and then had a little cold snap and then it quit working. When accessing the water pump there was no...