'07 RAM Exhaust System help please

Bobby A

Well-known member
07 Ram 3500 6.7 Cummins T/D

Noticed something dangling under my truck and noticed what appears to be some type of material about the width of a seat belt wrapped around the exhaust pipe near the front of the vehicle. It looks like it is wrapped around some wires which I would think is maybe an O2 sensor, it kind of interweaves several times in an area about maybe a foot long. I never had any exhaust work done, so I wouldn't think it would be something to repair a hole. This material was attached by two large hose clamps, the clamps must have broke which is making the material start to unravel. Anyone know what this material is and why it is there?? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I am baffled.

Thanks in advance,
Bobby A


Re: exhaust help please

sounds like the exhaust rap that I believe is an asbestos type material. should be around where fuel injection port into exhaust is which gets hot hot.

alaska dodge

Well-known member
Re: exhaust help please

In late 2007 Dodge had a recall where they had to wrap a portion of the new exhaust system. The wrap did something with the temp for regen on the system. I would just wrap it back up and secure it the best you can till you can get into a shop.

Bobby A

Well-known member
Re: exhaust help please

sounds like the exhaust rap that I believe is an asbestos type material. should be around where fuel injection port into exhaust is which gets hot hot.

Well, I think thats exactly what it is, I took some of the loose stuf off and went to my local auto parts and they new exactly what it was. I picked up a 15 foot roll and had to go to the hardware store and get some new clamps. I will leave the remainder on and then rerap some. I think the large hose clamps rusted and thats why it started unraveling. I'm glad I found the "exhaust rap" without to much running around town. Now I just have to wait until I can install when the exhaust is cool. Thanks everyone for replying.


Trouble Maker
Re: exhaust help please

sounds like the exhaust rap that I believe is an asbestos type material. should be around where fuel injection port into exhaust is which gets hot hot.

The Dodges does not inject fuel directly into the exhaust (DPF) for a regen. The fuel is injected through a 4th injection event from the injectors after the combustion stroke. The two SS lines that are attached to the exhaust is to monitor exhaust pressure before and and after the DPF. That is part of the process for the ECU to know when it is time for a regen.

To the OP, the guys at the Parts store are exactly correct. It is Header Wrap (Fiber Glass wrap to keep the heat in). It is just used to keep the heat in for safety. Certain portions of your exhaust become extremely hot during a regen.

Best way to install it is with is wet. Soak it in water. This will allow you to stretch it a small bit as you wrap the exhaust. When it dries it will shrink and become very tight.