2009 Cyclone 3950 Garage Bathroom...


I honestly haven't smelled anything this bad since I worked in the Lawton sewers.
Despite regular cleaning of the tank (chemicals), every time we dump the tank, it's like chemical warfare is in progress.

A few months back, I tried to install one of those cheesy Cyclone Vents from PPL... To be fair, it might have worked if the tank riser had been vertical and stayed in one place. The thing is, even if it isn't in the top of the tank where it should be, wouldn't the smell evacuate from the bottom side of the trailer instead of inside?

We are running a portable AC in the garage for our daughter and multiple fur coated turd machines. I have the exhaust running out where the dryer vent was. I know it is acting like a vacuum, but when the tank is nearly full, it doesn't smell.

I guess what I'm really asking... Has anyone defeated this?


Well-known member
My wife has a particularly sensitive nose for bathroom odors. As a result, I'm currently experimenting with the the GEO method of grey / black tank handling. No verdict yet...


Well-known member
We use the Geo method and haven't had any problems (other than wafting odor after the boys get done:eek:). Why they didn't install a vent/fan of some sort in there I don't know. It may end up on my list of future mods.


Well-known member
Has it always been like that everywhere you've been? Do you leave the gray water dump valves open during your stay?


Well-known member
Something else you might check. We had the same problem in our front bathroom. It was terrible and stinking the whole coach up. Come to find out the vacuum breaker under the sink was bad and letting sewer gas directly into the bathroom. I temporarilly fixed it by taping the top shut until I can buy a new one. They just unscrew by hand.


Active Member
our rear bathroom doesn't have that issue

but... our front bathroom was stinking up the place pretty bad; problem ended up being that the sewer vent was plugged
they unplugged it under warranty and we've been golden ever since

since yours doesn't smell when its full perhaps the sewer vent has a crack or break in it; when the tank is full the liquid perhaps is taller then the sewer vent so that is why it quits smelling