Bottom line is these trucks are amazing, and the cruise works perfectly. the only time the brakes are applied in cruise mode is when you come up on a slower vehicle in front of you and it has to slow down more then the trans and exhaust brake are holding you back. Other then that you will rarely ever see/feel the brake being applied.
For me I run the cruise most of the time with a combination of my foot on the throttle when coming up on trucks and vehicles in front of me to maintain my speed while I change lanes to pass. then going down steep grades I click the manual shift button down to 4th gear (NOT in manual mode) It just set the highest gear the trans is allowed to shift too.
With all of the control options I have at may fingertips THIS NEW FORD TRUCK IS UNBELIEVABLE !!!!!!!
Also Rod and I ran from Kenniwick WA. to Silverton OR. 5 hour drive. He has the 2017 F450 with 4:30 gears I have the 2017 F350 with the 3:55 gears he was leading and we bucking a heck of a head wind for a long way west on 84. We both reset the trip meters in WA. and had the same mileage when we arrived in OR.
250 miles and we were ROLLING

we are both pushing 30,000 pound gross weight.
F450 4:30s = 8.4mpg
F350 3:55s = 8.5mpg