Big Horn 3055 - Electric Fireplace Installation - Self Install


Has anyone self-installed an electric fireplace in a 3055? My floor plan has a designated spot as an optional equipment item. I have researched the plug-units (Dimplex DF5000) installed by Heartland at the factory.

Understanding the proposed retrofit/install is fairly straight forward; the measurements of the unit seem to exceed my available space without removing part of the existing wall structure. Unit 26" wide, my available wall space diminishes proportionally by depth into closet area attributed to angle of structure.

Has anyone undertaken this install or have recommendations?

I have also read the threads on fireplace overheat problems. Thanks


Well-known member

Double check the depth of the fireplace and remeasure the width of your space at that depth. My fireplace is about 12" deep.



Well-known member
I have had mine in and out a couple of times. It is pretty straight forward. Just make sure you cut the carpet out of the floor where it sits. Lots of units did not do this and it may cause the fire place to over heat. I am planning to put some sort of vent in the side by the desk so it can draw more air.
You might take a look at a "real" one before you order. In my opinion some are a lot less real looking than others. Dealer tried to put one of the less real ones in mine. I took it out and repaired my original.


Thanks "retired4fun" for the info. Was your original a Dimplex 5000 or some other brand? 26 inches wide? I was hoping that someone could elaborate on how much trimming or material removal/modification would be involved. I was also wondering if I would have to incorporate new wiring or just plug into the existing outlet outside of that cabinet. Thanks again


Well-known member
Don, ours looks like this one Acorrding to the manual ours is a 26 inch. I think you will have to trim it out. Heartland uses some fancy wood trim but I thing Dimplex has some others to offer. Here is a picture of ours if you havent seen one. It plugs into the outlet you can see by the chair.


Thank you very much. It really helped to see how your's was installed. I am going to order the 26" optiflame by Dimplex and go for it. It was also good to see how helpful this forum can be when people like yourself take time to help others. Thanks again!!