campsite front stabilizer problem


My front stabilizer went down with the switch and then it would'nt work after that is it a fuse or what if so where is the fuse located.:confused: rear one works fine its a northtrail NT28BRS model.


Well-known member
check the leads to the switch, one may have come off. I don't know where your fuse is. Follow the lead from the motor back to it's supply or from the switch to supply. Use a voltmeter to check for valtage at the switch.
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Well-known member
Some Heartland models have a fuse wired in the wiring (in-line) to the main 12 volt distribution buss bar. Some have a mini circuit breaker connected to this bus bar, with wiring going to the landing gear switch. See the 12 volt troubleshooting section in the "Tools" tab at the top of any forum page; then "Manuals" and then "Electrical", and "12 Volt electrical" sub menu choices. Resetting these circuit breakers with the mini red button can be tricky.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
Running the landing gear too far either way will blow the fuse. Most likely is an inline fuse. If you mark the legs with paint/magic marker at a point going either wont have that problem again.