Cyclone 3010 fridge fails to light randomly


My cyclone fridge works great except after running on propane for different lengths of time it fails to light. It may work fine for 48 hours then you can hear it trying to light. If I shut it off then restart it works until it decides to error again maybe 12 hours or 10 or 48. Any ideas?

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Staff member
Could be a bad LP regulator, bad flame adjustment or somebody built a nest in the flame tube. Or a number of other things.
Look in the Tools section for Manuals. You will find some guides there.



Active Member
My bet is on spider webs in the venturi burner tube. I carry a coffee maker stem tube cleaning brush in the trailer just for that purpose, as I don't have coffee percolator on board. Used it on a campground neighbors unit in April. His fridge worked fine after the cleaning.