Digital Safe


Well-known member

I was just wondering if someone can tell me where I can find the default (initial) combination to the digital safe in my new Landmark. I went through the package of info, etc., and did not find it.

Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Hi Ronn,

Did you get the keys? Check out this link to manual. Hope this is what you need.

Jim M

Its possible that we got keys. I'll have to check. I was hoping that there was a generic initial combo like 1,2,3,4 and then you change it to your own. Oh we'll another thing to have to learn about. :rolleyes:


Yea... I got one for Christmas and you had to open it with the keys to reset the combination... that is on the one I got. Don't know about the one installed from factory.

Jim M


Well-known member
Probably the best thing to do is call Heartland. I'm no expert, but I think that all of the safes that are digital would have to have electricity to make them operate, which would be provided from a battery, so they would have to have a backup system so you could get into them if the battery/s go dead. This would be a key. On my digital safe you enter the combination, and still have to use a key to open it. I always did assume that would make it a little safer, as if a bad guy got the combination, he'd still have to use the key to open the safe. There are so many safes around that could use a variety of things, to be on the "safe" side, I'd call Heartland & get it form the horses mouth. Who knows in mid stream they may have changed safe suppliers & installed different safes during the year's production run. Wouldn't be a bad idea to have your VIN # handy in case they ask for it.


Well-known member
I got keys with mine. The keys look just like the entry door keys only in minature (e.g., the end is square black plastic, but it is smaller than the entry keys).


Mississippi Chapter Leaders
I was wondering what that key was. Thanks.

If you did not receive a manual for the safe then follow the link Jim sent you. Remove the cover from over the keyhole, open the safe, install the batteries, follow the instructions on setting the combo, replace keyhole cover and you are good to go. Be sure to put your key in a safe place for future use (but NOT in the safe If the batteries die before you replace them then you will need the key again to open the safe. I use my safe all the time when traveling.


if the batteries are already in, 1 2 3 4 is typical. After the code entry you usually have to hit the A or B key, then you will hear the lock release.