Discovered A Disadvantage to the 3260EL


Well-known member
So far we have really enjoyed the LARGE side windows on our 3260. That changed this morning when we were awakened this morning just after daylight by a loud thumping noise every so often. I tried to ignore it, but the noise became insistent. Finally got up and discovered a large female Cardinal perched in a tree next to the window. This idiot bird has been fighting with her reflection in the window for the last 3 hours. Chased her away multiple times, but apparently she has a real grudge to settle with herself!:mad:


Past Heartland Ambassador
We have the same problem with our regular size windows in our Landmark....Not sure what kind a bird we have, but we put a fake Owl in the tree to deter it from perching there. It sits, looks over, sees it self and then flies into the window, over and over....The Owl has worked somewhat, but has not completely eliminated it...:(


Well-known member
I put wax on the window when I had the problem. Helped for awhile but after a day the bird came back.


Well-known member
Tried the fake owl at home when we had a male doing the same thing. Worked for a few days until he discover he could use it as a perch for a more convenient attack on the window. After 3 weeks he unfortunately met his demise when he flew into the path of some #6 shot traveling at high velocity.


Well-known member
I've got an owl decoy I'll use sometimes. It's head is mounted so it will move with the wind...more lifelike. Also, I'll move it every few days, and that helps keep unwanted critters away from the deck. If they always see it in the same spot for awhile, it becomes part of the landscape & they don't pay any attention to it.


Well-known member
I had exactly the same problem with a male cardinal on my previous trailer. The pecking got old but the mess he was leaving on the ladder went over the top.