Elderly Ladies in a Hot Tub


Active Member
2 elderly ladies are enjoying a nice soak in the hot tub. One of them reaches in to her bathing suit and pulls out a cigarette and lights it. The other, astonished, asks "Wow, how do you keep that dry enough to light?"
"Oh I just put it into a condom and roll up the open end." the first exclaims.

"What a great idea, I'm going to try it!" The next day she goes to the pharmacy to get some condoms. She stands staring in the aisle at all the different choices trying to figure out which one to buy. The pharmacist sees the elderly lady looking at the rubbers and puzzlingly asks her if he can help her find what she needs.

"Yes you can young man, I need to buy some condoms, thank you!"
He again looks at her strangely and says "Well Mam, what size do you need?"

"Oh one that will fit a Camel....."
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