Generator for MPG - what do I need?


Well-known member
Re: Generator

Hi Flagstaff,

Generator size is usually discussed in terms of what you expect to do with it; i.e. run coffee pot, toaster, and microwave to make breakfast while running air conditioner. Or maybe just run for a couple hours each day to keep the battery charged. If you can tell us what your goals are, I'm sure you'll get some useful responses.


Well-known member
Re: Generator

I'm thinking a 2000 watt inverter style generator is all you'll need for the MPG. But as Dan suggests, consider all the loads you'll want to run "at the same time". That combine wattage will dictate the size gen you need.

Once you get over 2000 watts, the generators begin to get larger and heavier. Begin your process by looking up the current draw (in amps, then multiply by 110 for watts) for each AC powered item in your coach, then decide which of those you'll use at the same time and add up the numbers.


Iwant to be able to run the air conditioner coffee pot at the same time thanks for input i think i just have to do the math to determine what i can run with the air going


Well-known member
When you figure out the power demand, allow a few amps for the Power Converter that supplies power to your 12V systems and keeps the battery charged.


Well-known member
Iwant to be able to run the air conditioner coffee pot at the same time thanks for input i think i just have to do the math to determine what i can run with the air going

Get two Honda 2000 watt gennys and the parallel kit. Not much more expensive than the 3k genny and easy for one guy to handle. The 3k is heavy but if you can live with leaving it in your truck or have help moving it, you will like the electric start. For shoulder seasons when you don't need the AC, just bring one of the 2k gennys with you.


Well-known member
Iwant to be able to run the air conditioner coffee pot at the same time thanks for input i think i just have to do the math to determine what i can run with the air going

Depending on the size of your A/C you might have trouble running both the coffee pot and A/C using the Honda 2000 pair. My 15K A/C pushed 30 amps at start up, but then ran between 13 and 14 amps (I had a Coleman A/C). You have to manage it closely (e.g., start air, then plug in coffee pot). Your converter also uses amperage when on generator power. That being said we found the Honda 2000 pair worked fine with our North Trail and it was considered mandatory because of my wife's assorted hair appliances.