Active Member
Sorry, I initially posted this in blog. I have a 2014 Landmark Sequoia. Under the top cabinets, I have two 110V outlets. I believe the problem started when my wife, many moons ago, plugged the coffee pot and toaster into the outlet nearest the window. The outlet on the right (first outlet from the circuit breaker) turned out to be a GFCI outlet that popped, but I could not reset it. I checked the circuit breaker and found out that it is a 15A breaker and was good. To make matters worse, I discovered that this line supplied the dishwasher and refridgerator. I don't need the dishwasher, but if you don't lock the door electrically, it slides out and hangs out while traveling down the road. I thought that it may be a bad GFCI, so I replaced it (yes I know that it only goes one way). It still did not work. I have delivered the camper three times to an RV repair shop. Each time they said it worked. It didn't. I purchased the three yellow light circuit tester an it wouldn't come on. I took the GFCI and the other plug down and discovered that both were GFCI and the main GFCI was wired backward. I rewired the first GFCI correctly and installed a regular outlet in the other. The tester would now come on, but would go out after varying minutes of operation (GFCI pops). It actually stayed on several hours a couple of times. I made up a short cable with a GFCI outlet in line and placed it inside the space in back of the refridgerator and use an extension cord to run the refridgerator while parked. I do not know if anything else is using power from that line and I haven't tried to remove the dishwasher so that I can check the plug. I do not like those electrical outlets they put in RV's but I suspect that the wires in the outlet to the dish washer/refer got burned. I am thinking that this circuit should have been at least a 20A. Any suggestion?