Grey #2 sensor cleaning


Well-known member
I am having problems trying to get the kitchen gray water tank level sensors to function. I have put two cap-full of Calgon water softener in the last two times I have drained the tank (is that enough?). I am careful not to let food particles, oil, and grease go down the drain. What else should I do?


Well-known member
Alan; You can do what 1/2 of us do guesstimate,them sensors never work right. Or do a search, a couple of the guys have put in good systems witch is the right way to do it. JON:D:D:D


Well-known member
Life is too short to worry about tank sensors, especially gray 2. When the sink stops draining, I go outside and pull the valve. Now, gray 1 is a different story. It's tough to run outside in the middle of a shower. So, that gets emptied every few days.


I simply leave the gray valves open and they drain as I use them. When the stool starts to burp when I flush it's time to drain the black tank. Of corse when traveling I just dump the grays every couple of days



Well-known member
I leave the gray valves closed until I want to flush the black water tank. After flushing the black water tank, I then open both of my gray tanks to help flush out the drainage pipes so no odor will occur and they keep clean. Ditto on the accuracy of the gauges. Wish they had a flushing system similar to the black water tank where you could also flush the gray tanks out after emptying. That would help keep the sensors clean.


Well-known member
Blackwater Tank Flush

Question???? :confused: Does anyone know how the blackwater flush water is distributed in the tank when flushing? Does it just run in like from a hose or is there a way the water is sprayed around inside so it washes down the sides.

Camped beside some folks near Naples, Lake San Marino campground, last week and he said his NUWA Hitchhiker was set up to operate that way. Just curious. Seems like the more I know about this away from home home...the less I know. :eek:


Well-known member
Its usually mounted in the side center of the tank near the top.It sprays from all sides.You can look at them in the RV stores. JON:cool::cool::cool:


Well-known member

Thanks for the info. You are quick with an answer! :eek: Are you gonna be in Goshen? Would like to meet you. :)



Bob and Christina Seaman
We are full timers since May 07 in our Grand Canyon and I used to worry about thoses sensors and checking on how they registered. One repair guy said that things (don't know what thoses things are) get caught up on them and they don't registered correctly. So a long story short-I don't worry about them anymore. So we dump our grey water every week-and even sometimes leave the valve open especially when I am doing a load of laundry. hope this helps. Chiristina Seaman


Well-known member
We've been full timing in ours for three years now. I never close my gray water valves when parked. Like Don, (Goldenwingers) I dump my black tank when it burps. Most of the time my level indicators work. When we travel, I put about a 1/4 tank of water, 1 cup of Original Dawn dish washing liquid and a 1/4 cup of Calgon and drive. It seems to work. And if something gets stuck on one of the level monitors, I don't worry about it because the next time I travel, it will get washed off.



Well-known member
I know, been there done that. put a load in to wash and went to Wal-mart, and came home to a river coming down the stairs. What a soggy mess. Tank 1 stays open ALL the time now.