I have a 07 Sundance 32.5 BH and on a recent trip after some heavy rains I found some water in the drivers side of the bunk house in the back corner. Upon returning home I climbed up on the roof for further inspection I found the rear top trim peeled up in the driver side rear corner about 5-6 inches. It's not very noticeable but I knew what area to look in and thats how I found it. Upon inspection of the corner I found the corner is soft to nearly gone in about a 6 inch square and the back wall moves in that area going down the wall a ways. The driverside wall seems solid but the corner area to back wall seems to have damage. Does any Rv insurance cover problems like this like a home owners insurance?
Having had an older Airstream before and never had any leak problems I am faced with a problem of what to do? I don't know where to start or whether to just leave it till it shows more damage? I did put silicone sealant over the area when I found it to stop any further damage but I am kinda upset that I have a 2.5 year old 5ver with rotting wood? I have not seen any sign of water before now, but I live here in Central Texas and we have been in a drought and havent had much rain in 1.5 years now so any suggestions? Money is a big consideration as we are a young family on a tight budget so if there is anything I can do myself I will. Where should I start and what should I do?
Thanks so much, Jared
Having had an older Airstream before and never had any leak problems I am faced with a problem of what to do? I don't know where to start or whether to just leave it till it shows more damage? I did put silicone sealant over the area when I found it to stop any further damage but I am kinda upset that I have a 2.5 year old 5ver with rotting wood? I have not seen any sign of water before now, but I live here in Central Texas and we have been in a drought and havent had much rain in 1.5 years now so any suggestions? Money is a big consideration as we are a young family on a tight budget so if there is anything I can do myself I will. Where should I start and what should I do?
Thanks so much, Jared