

Looking for answers as to why sir conditioners freeze up.
Also why controllers stop working. Any help would be appreciated.

In Virginia 95 degrees...


Staff member
Hello Dbadami and welcome to this great forum.
If you are in a hot humid environment it's important to run your AC on high.
There is also a chance that there is an air leak between the cooled air and the humid air you are trying to cool. Pull the inside cover off and look for gaps.
You may find some help here.
What controllers are you referring to?



Hi Dbadami,

Welcome to the Heartland Owners Forum and to the family. We have a great bunch of folks here with lots of information and all willing to share their knowledge when needed.

Usually the reason an A/C freezes up is because the sensor that is attached to the evaporator fins has come loose and is just hanging down. You might drop the bottom access cover and look for a sensor about the size of a quarter with 2 small wires hanging down. It probably will have a clip on the back side to attach it to the evaporator fins about midway up.

Let us know what you find.

Enjoy the forum.

Jim M