Hot Air


Well-known member
Just got my new XLT 265RK yesterday, a great looking unit. It was just delivered from the factory last Monday.
Had to hurry and get it home and park it in the shed , we got 6" snow last night and its still coming down.
I did briefly turn on the furnace and noticed that two of the vents had very little air coming out. There are only three and the one right next to the furnace moves air like you would think it should, the two in the floor, one buy the back end and the one in the bedroom hardly have any air coming out. I hope I can get to the vent pipes from the storage area and see whats going on.
Why don't they do a check list on these units and check the basics . Scares me to think about filling the water system.
Maybe they could instruct the dealer to run a check list and if it don't work, fix it ,before the customer takes it 100 miles down the road.
This is the second Heartland Sundance , and yes there were a few minor issues with the first and they all got fixed , but I think the factory could fix there quality control on new units and save allot of headaches , and rants like this one.
Any quick fixes , or advice on how too .



That is the very reason they do a PDI. The dealer should have walked you through the unit and you should have had the opportunity to check operation of everything.


Staff member
I guess about the only thing you can do is get to the furnace and make sure that the heat lines are attached. And follow them in the under belly to make sure none are squashed. These things don't blow a whole lot of air so don't expect the fan to mess up your hair.
Oh and one more thing. On both of my rigs my dealer tested all appliances including the AC and furnace. As well as filling all the holding tanks and running the water. It would have been nice if your dealer had earned the money you paid him.
I'm glad you got all the snow down there. Only about two inches here. Now we wait for spring.



Well-known member
The dealer did do a walk thru with me and we missed it ,they treat me very well .
I just feel the factory should never let that basic kinda stuff slip through there fingers .
When the weather breaks I'll have a look and fix it.
Its going to serve us well in the near future.
Thanks for the info


Perfict Senior Member
Your unit is like mine and I bet you dont have much of a problem with the vents...its normal. You can pull off the large wood air intake grate inside the coach to view the duct connections on the heater box. I had to installed the valve type adjustable registers on the cooling/heating vents to direct more air towards the front of the coach.