How Long Does it Take You to Check Your RV Seals/Sealant


Well-known member
I check all the seals and sealant every 6 months from top to bottom. It takes me three to four hours between moving the ladder, crawling underneath, and climbing on the roof. Does it take others this long?


Well-known member
I usually don't have a time schedule to check stuff on the RV. Whenever I'm doing something to it, or just when I'm walking by, I'll check stuff on it, and if whatever needs attention, I handle it then, or first chance I get. Some things, like the roof, I can't see from the ground, whenever I think of it I'll climb up there & check things out, or do it when I wash the roof. When it's all boiled down, I probably do it more often than every 6 months, as I'm always looking at things on it.