How to Install Splendide 7100


Happy Member
How do install a Splendide 7100 washer/drying all in one into our 3210's garage. We are not near a campingworld so that is out of the question.

Is it attached to the wall or just strapped down to the floor?


Well-known member
There are kits for attaching them to the floor, but when we bought ours two years ago (at camping world), they told us that the kit was not needed. We just let it sit there and it hasn't moved yet. For what it's worth, that has worked for us.



Well-known member
Remember... there is more movement in the back of an RV... than in the front... where many Washer/Dryer locations are located.



Well-known member
Ours was installed in a closit with out restraints. It does move but not much. A simple 1x2 wood "curb" screwed to the floor takes care of the movement.