It all works!!!


Well-known member
The wifey and I picked up our brand spanking new 2010 3670RL in Nebraska last weekend. Of course, we just had to get out of town as soon as possible, for that "first shakedown" test.

We have some property in southern Colorado, that was purchased last year primarily for its dark skies (no significant lights for miles), and no traffic. (I'm a die hard amateur astronomer). It's about 100 miles from Colorado Springs, a pretty easy two hour drive.

We spent the weekend testing all systems (except AC - you don't need AC at 7600 feet, 70 degrees, and the wind howling). Everything just works great!! We generally sleep with no heat on, in the morning it's about 45 degrees inside, but a small propane heater, and the Bighorn furnace got it up to 65 degrees in NO TIME! In the evening before bedtime, a Mr Heater kept things comfy inside, while it was in the low 40s outside. (Oh, and no dual pane windows either)

Had a good rain Saturday night - no water leaks apparent. It's great to have a shower right next to the water heater too - our SOB would take a couple minutes (and a couple gallons of precious water) before the water would start getting warm.

All the cooking appliances worked without a hitch - yumm!

Spent the weekend turning a 5th wheel into a home away from home - adding doodads, gadgets, etc, here and there. Tried out the Samsung Home Theater - awesome!! (See my post on rigging up with the "correct" set of cables for "surround sound")

And we found out this Big Rig will stop when needed too... came over a small rise on the Interstate on the way home, to find traffic stopped:eek::eek:. I got the brake pedal pushed almost up to the radiator, there was an instant where I thought we were in deep trouble, but all umpteen tons got wrestled to a stop in time!! (No I didn't dirty the seat - I didn't have time!!)

So I just wanted to make one of those rare "Everything is just fine!!" posts - we just LOVE our new 3670!!

I'll edit this post and get a couple of those "Camping in Colorado" photos in here later...


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Past Heartland Ambassador
That's great to hear!! Glad you had a great time and everything is working fine.

Did you get a fireplace? We use ours alot to take the chill off on cold mornings...didn't think I wanted it, now wouldn't be without one...:)

Many happy camping trips are in your future!:D


Well-known member
Fireplace? No.

We thought long and hard about it - really tempted. But 75% of our camping is "dry" - no amenities, except what we bring, and I think the fireplace would be pushing a little Honda 2k generator.

But the generator gives us great movies out in the middle of nowhere! (No TV reception there either)



Prolifically Gabby Member
Glad everything worked well for you, including the shower not leaking. Mine did, but I was testing for it and didn't ruin the flooring. I'm a little concerned over using a Mr. Heater inside the unit, though. I know the literature sounds like it might be "OK," but having used one to heat my garage in the past, I would not do it. Make certain you have fresh batteries in your CO detector if you do.


Well-known member
Al, You might consider a couple 6VDC battery's in the front storage area and an inverter to enjoy those movies at night out there in the peace and quiet without the genny running at night. Fire the genny up the next morning while you and the DW go on your morning hike.


Well-known member
Right on, Gary! We have a couple 6 volt Trojans as the primaries. A good inverter is on my "short list". Just gotta figure out which one...


Well-known member
John - believe me I keep a close eye on the heater! It will shut down when it runs low on O2, and I have seen it lose efficiency. I always use it close to the front door, so there is an instant supply of O2, and NEVER run it late at night! And always keep a window and/or an overhead vent nearby cracked.


Prolifically Gabby Member
John - believe me I keep a close eye on the heater! It will shut down when it runs low on O2, and I have seen it lose efficiency. I always use it close to the front door, so there is an instant supply of O2, and NEVER run it late at night! And always keep a window and/or an overhead vent nearby cracked.

Good deal! Mine gave me headaches in the garage even though I had the main door raised two inches. Went to a Dayton G73 electric heater hanging from the ceiling and Mr. Buddy has been relegated to the attic.


Well-known member
Great pictures!! I can only think of one thing to make it better,My 3670 setting there.:D:D:D


Past Ohio Chapter Leaders (Founding)
Congratulations on your new rig and welcome to the Heartland family. Very nice and what a beautiful setting. Is that your property?


Well-known member
Glad to hear you had a great trip. Lived in Grand Junction for 7 years at one time. Really miss it.