Landmark Outside t.v and radio

We don't seem to have any power to our outside radio. Is there a switch somewhere that we are missing? Also our salesman told us that the living room tv is linked to the outside tv so that whatever you have on in the living room will also be on outside. We are able to turn the outside tv on but are unable to get any signal. I am sure there is some step we must be missing.

Thank you


Well-known member
Re: ATF: MPG - Outside t.v and radio

Your profile shows Landmark but you seem to be asking about an MPG. There's quite a difference. ???

Sometimes the outside speakers are controlled by A/B/C on the radio's remote control.

Outside TVs are usually connected to the over-the-air antenna and cable TV wiring and have to go through the same menu setup as you would in the living room (setting for cable or antenna and doing a channel scan). If you're playing satellite or a DVD to the living room, you'll probably need additional wiring to see those on the outside TV.

So the salesman was correct as far as it goes - cable and over-the-air TV.
Re: ATF: MPG - Outside t.v and radio

Thank you for your reply. We have a Landmark Key Largo. I am sorry but I do not know what an MPG is. The outside stereo seems to have no power. We are unable to turn it on manually or by remote. I was just wondering if there was another switch somewhere that had to be turned on. My guess is that it is defective. As far as the tv we are using satelitte. Thank you for the clarification.


Well-known member
If your outdoor radio is the one in the outdoor entertainment system, I suggest you open the panel underneath your dining room table and review the wiring behind the radio.

I couple of things come to mind to check:

1. A blown fuse in the DC power feed behind the radio
2. A disconnected wire in the DC power feed behind the radio

A quick inspection of this area may review the issue.