Microwave has no power?


I was trying to heat up some oatmeal and I put the wrong amount of time. I started it, noticed my mistake, and immediately stopped it. It seems to have blown a fuse, as the circuit breaker is not tripped.
Does it have an internal fuse?


Well-known member
Most all microwave ovens have an internal fuse, as this is such a high power electrical device which could have a catastrophic electrical explosion of wiring/components if the magnetron shorted out. Since these are installed in mostly modern wiring with branch circuit breakers, and internal equipment fuses you never seem to hear about these explosions happening.

You might do a search on You Tube on replacing the internal fuse in your brand/model microwave. Most of them I have taken apart have the fuse mounted on or near the magnetron, and are noticeable in size.

When I was a kid in the 1950's 1960's it was a common thing to read about accidental electrocution accidents in the news. Then GFI circuit protection came into being, and it is a rare thing to hear of these accidents happening any more. The same with the elimination of cholera and typhoid epidemics due to the widespread use of chlorination in public potable water supplies. All are results of a modern scientific public health effort that goes pretty much unrecognized or appreciated. Electrical safety legislation is part of the public health effort.
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Plot twist!!

I attempted to verify power to the microwave and there is none, the microwave works in another outlet.
The CB is not tripped so I need to figure out any circuit protection in that line.


Staff member
Verify that the breaker is not tripped buy turning it off then on again. They don't always look tripped.



Well-known member
But its the outlet that's the problem, the microwave works on another outlet.
I've had 2 factory outlets give up the ghost in our CY....1 was the outlet itself and the other was a bad wire connection (push in the hole type)


Well-known member
I would replace the RV style insulation displacement connector outlet for this (and any ) high current drawing device. Two little metal spring "V" connection points are inadequate to the greater than 15 amp power demands of a microwave. A standard household outlet using flat head screws clamping the romex solid wire to a solid metal connection plate has far greater metallic connection area and much higher screw clamping force than the RV IDC outlet wire connectors.


Well-known member
like wdk450 stated replace the outlet with a standard household outlet. I've replaced couple outlets in our 2018 Torque already. Good luck


Staff member
I'm pretty sure that the microwave is on its own dedicated circuit.
As previously mentioned check the wires on the microwave receptacle. Also check the wires at the breaker panel. Check the black wire to the breaker as well as the white wires to the neutral buss bar, bare ground to ground buss.
Be sure to disconnect from shore power and generator off before accessing the breaker service.



PlOt TwIsT 2.0

I replaced the outlet and there is STILL no power to the outlet. So, is it the switch or the outlet?
Inquiring minds want to know.