Luv'n Life

By: RV PRO Staff
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Heartland RV LLC hosted about 250 rigs and more than 500 RVers June 18-23 at its 8th Annual North American Heartland Owners Rally in Goshen, Ind.
The company said the Elkhart County Fairgrounds gathering represented the largest contingent to date for the national event, attracting “Heartlanders” representing 35 U.S. states and three Canadian provinces.
Jim Beletti, director of owner’s interests for Heartland, said the rally was set up on a “home and away” format, bringing members back to Elkhart every other year.
“On the even years we put the rally on the road and always have a strong draw,” Beletti said, noting the organization was formed in 2008. “But this year’s event was the biggest and, in my opinion, the best. It served as proof that the club, and Heartland RV, are continuing to grow.”
The owners club currently has 1,200 paid members with state-based chapters in five regions across North America. Beletti co-founded the Heartland Owners Forum that has grown to around 20,000 members.
Heartland held a weeklong pre-rally from June 11-17 at the fairgrounds, allowing members to settle in while also giving them access to complimentary service work on their rigs.
The rally included nightly entertainment, catered and home-cooked meals, factory tours and a focus on education. The rally held 23 workshops that provided a technical slant, while 20 seminars centered on the RV lifestyle.
The event featured the Heartland Marketplace, boasting 30-plus product and service vendors, while local dealer, Great Lakes RV Center, also displayed seven Heartland trailers.
To round out the rally, attendees took a tour of the RV/MH Hall of Fame and a trip to Heartland’s manufacturing facilities.
“There were several plant tours and then management addressed the owners group,” Beletti said. “It was followed by a lengthy Q&A session that provided some great interaction.
Beletti added a key staple at every rally is a “charitable component.”
“This year we extended our ‘Babies Wrapped in Love’ project where Heartland owners provided primarily handmade baby items,” Beletti said. “Over 531 items were donated to the Elkhart County Extension of Purdue University. Owners also donated over 1,300 food items to Church Community Services.”