How to post a picture
Hi Ken,
URL stands for "Uniform Resource Locator". Does it all make sense now?

...just kidding...
Actually, what it means and the way to think of it is that it's the destination of any particular web page. For example, if you want to Google something, that is, search for something online using the Google search engine, you open your web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, Netscape, AOL, Firefox, Opera etc.) and in the address bar, you type and then you hit <Enter>. So is the URL for Google's main search web page.
Now, what does that have to do with this forum and posting a picture?
There are at least two ways to add a picture to your posts.
Inline Images Inserting (using the URL):
First, you can have a picture inline with the text of your post. But to my knowledge, the image you wish to insert must be an image that is already online somewhere (like your own website for example). To do this, you would click on the Insert Image icon above in the Advanced Post or Reply screen. That icon looks like this: //
Once you click on the Insert Image icon, you will see this dialog box:
Type or copy/paste the entire path (URL) to your online hosted image and click <OK> and the image will be inserted into your message.
Attaching Images below your post:
This is the second and most prevalent method. Maybe the easiest too. Below the Message box used to type your post or reply is the Additional Options area. In that area, there is an Attach Files section. Use the Manage Attachments button in that section to add images or other files (Word, Excel, zip or Acrobat).
Once you click the Manage Attachments button, it will open up another dialog box. Within that box, one image (or other file) at a time can be attached by clicking the Browse button, then navigating to the image/file on your computer's hard drive. When you find the image/file you want to attach, click the Open button and the image will be included in your attachments. Repeat as needed. When you are done attaching images/files, click the Upload button. Once uploaded, they will appear as file names in the Current Attachments area of that dialog box. Scroll down to the bottom of that dialog box and click the "Close this Window" button when you are done attaching images/files.
Then back in your message, click the Submit or Submit Reply button.
Good luck and if you can't get a picture attached, come back and ask your question in a more detail way, including the areas you got past and where you got stuck at. We'll get you up to speed on this.
Once other thing to think about is file size. Each file type has a maximum file size that can be inserted/attached/uploaded. You may/will need the ability/capability on your end to resize your image or file prior to uploading. But that's another tutorial. Just ask.