Price Question....


What would you consider to be a good price on a used Bighorn? I live in Virginia Beach, Va. A local dealer in Chesapeake has a 2009 Bighorn 3670Rl for $XXXX. Just wanted some advice from owners on how that sounds?

Thank you!
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Legendary Member
You can look it up on the NADA website. Be sure to include any optional equipment that will affect the price.


Well-known member
Gut feel says that is a little high. Assuming we are talking about the same guy(Tim) we bought a 2011 BH 3670 from him for $XXX. Fairly well loaded. Skipped the big refrigerator and thermopane windows. Is this a new trailer or on consignment? He is a good dealer and we would go back to him without hesitation.
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Ray LeTourneau

Senior Member - Past Moderator
I'd suggest doing some on line comparing of prices. Go to e-bay and search for a similar rig and see what comes up.