Refrigerator, Leave Running or Shut Down


Well-known member
It looks like it may be at least a month, possibly two before we head out again. Is it better to leave the fridge running since it will be hooked up to shore power, or turn it off and empty it.


Staff member
If we are going to be home for two months, I will shut it down.
It's a good time to clean it out.
We are normally idle in Nov. and Dec.



Oklahoma Chapter Leaders
You know we've kicked this around and it's a split down the middle on what to do. Personally we leave ours hooked up to shore power until I winterize it. We leave the fridge on with food in it. We try to keep the 5er as a duplicate of the house. DW and I are prone to hook up and leave at the spur of the moment for the weekend. To add to this, I probably only winterize for 3 months only so our fridge runs approx 9 out of 12 months.


Past Heartland Ambassador
What I can tell you...our.fridge has been running continually for over five years as we fulltime, and has not given us one minutes appears constant use is better for these units, at least in our experience.


Prolifically Gabby Member
We leave ours running all summer on a seasonal site, but we aren't absent from it for more than 7 - 10 days at a time. When we leave it, there are no open perishable or dated items left behind, though. For the length of time you're talking about, I'd empty it and shut it down.


Well-known member
You might think about a refrigerator venting compartment automatic fire extinguisher. RV refrigerator fires have happened even when the refrig is running on electric.
See Mac The Fire Guy's website.


Well-known member
Ours stays on. Like Hastey we keep it stocked with the basic cold stuff. We try to get out at least once a month so we don't bother to winterize . . . just keep it hooked up and heated if it gets real cold, but this is West Texas so we can get away with that. I know it has been running almost twenty months and have had no problems.


Well-known member
It is better for the fridge to run than to be shut off. Full timers never have problems with the fridge, only weekender's who turn theirs off and on.


Well-known member
It is better for the fridge to run than to be shut off. Full timers never have problems with the fridge, only weekender's who turn theirs off and on.

Thanks for all the input. I assumed there would be some split opinions about this. I am leaning toward leaving it on. It seems to me that most mechanical systems are happier being used on a regular basis, rather than sitting idle. I will probably use the camper more in Oct - Apr, since that is our nicest weather. Too hot May - Sep.


Well-known member
We have been Fulltiming 5 years also. Fridge has stayed on fulltime. No Problems...
On a related Fridge Subject....
How often do you folks have to defrost your fridge??


Past Heartland Ambassador
We only have to defrost 2-3 times a year....just did it yesterday, as a matter of fact....