On our first outing in our BC 2950, I managed to get too close to a tree branch in a parking lot. It rubbed against the edge of the roof (door side) about half-way back. Didn't look like serious damage. About a 4-5 long "wrinkle" in the rolled edge, a tweak in the angle of the gusset (or whatever it is called), some abraded patches (like road rash) and maybe a half dozen little cuts about 1/8 to 1/4 inch long. Apparently dented a section of the underlying aluminum radius edging, causing one end to come unglued and try to lift away from the decking so that the edge is pressing up against the underside of the rubber membrane. I tried taking pictures, but there isn't enough contrast to see anything. From the ground, you just barely see the shadow of the "wrinkle".
I took the rig into the dealer yesterday for some warranty work. I asked them to put some repair tape on the little tears. Service manager climbs up and says I should put in a insurance claim and replace the roof. I know that's probably $6 or $7,000.
Dealer's reasons: The rubber is tan, the tape is white and will show. The repaired (tape) roof will be out of warranty and any future problems won't be covered, regardless if it is related to the damage or not. That aluminum radius edge will continue to flex and rub the the underside of the membrane and eventually cut through. It'll hurt resale value (Huh? I just bought it!). I'm sure he's also seeing $$$ income for 40-50 hours labor.
Would you turn in a claim? Or just tape the holes and watch it carefully? How likely is the insurer to non-renew or jack up the premium (Nationwide Ins.)? I can afford the deductible, but not a new roof. And I feel stupid.
What would you do?
I took the rig into the dealer yesterday for some warranty work. I asked them to put some repair tape on the little tears. Service manager climbs up and says I should put in a insurance claim and replace the roof. I know that's probably $6 or $7,000.
Dealer's reasons: The rubber is tan, the tape is white and will show. The repaired (tape) roof will be out of warranty and any future problems won't be covered, regardless if it is related to the damage or not. That aluminum radius edge will continue to flex and rub the the underside of the membrane and eventually cut through. It'll hurt resale value (Huh? I just bought it!). I'm sure he's also seeing $$$ income for 40-50 hours labor.
Would you turn in a claim? Or just tape the holes and watch it carefully? How likely is the insurer to non-renew or jack up the premium (Nationwide Ins.)? I can afford the deductible, but not a new roof. And I feel stupid.