Satellite/Cable Wiring Diagram - North Trail 310QB


I am trying to get my satellite to work in my Sundance 310QB. The port on the outside of the unit is labeled Satellite, but it goes through some splitters and is not working.

Can the factory send me the wiring diagram for it? While your at it, can you send me the wall diagram's too so i know where the studs are? I was thinking about mounting a tv on the wall.




Here is the deal. The hook-up from the outside goes directly to a power booster / spiltter above the dinette by the entry door. Its the white outlet looking thing with a red light on it. This is where you will need to install your sat box (before the booster). If you take that booster out, you will see 3 cables. The middle cable is coming from the outside wall hook-up, then there's the cable from the antenna in the roof. Then you have one output cable the feeds the rest of the TV through splitters. If you hook the sat box before the booster all the TV's should show the same station. Let me know how that goes


Sat Dish / cable

Okay, I am a confused non mechanical person that has read the thread and got lost. I just picked up my new 28BHS on Monday and leave Thursday for Westcott Beach NY. Can I just set up my dish, run the dish cable into the Satellite outside, plug my box in inside the camper by the door and then the tv to the box. Am I missing something or are you guys gone way above the norm ? looks like I have to try it all out tonight befoe we leave thursday AM.
