

Just completed our orientation of our new 2013 3610RE and was told that the slideouts only will work from battery power, this is a concern for us because we will be storing our RV at the RV park and there may be times where we won't be using it for a couple months at a time. If our batteries are low how can we get our slides out without battery power?


Staff member
Your new rig should have a battery cutoff switch.
If you turn out off you battery should have a charge when you want to extend the slides.
Also, if you are at an RV park, and are able to plug into shore power, you will have no problem.
Even if your battery is low, when you plug in it will charge.


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Well-known member
Hi Rholou,

If you have electric service at the RV park, leave the power connected to the pedestal and the power converter will intelligently manage the battery to keep it fully charged.

If you don't have power, the next best choice would be to have a generator that you can use for backup power and to charge the battery.

A third choice would be to remove the battery, take it home, and keep it charged at home.

A fourth choice, although not as effective, would be to connect to your truck and use the truck to build up a charge on the trailer battery.

If you really get stuck, there's a manual procedure in the manual that illustrates using a battery powered drill with a hex bit to manually operate the hydraulic pump. You also need an allen wrench to open and close the appropriate control valve.

Whether you need to open the slide or not, you don't want to let your battery run down. It'll shorten its life.


Founders of SoCal Chapter
If you do leave it plugged in all the time (I do) will have to check the water level in the battery. If the battery goes dry, your battery will be finished. Turning off the battery with the disconnect will work to keep a charge.....but batteries will loose a charge over time even when there is not any drain on them.


Prolifically Gabby Member
I don't have the hydraulic jacks, but I wonder if the pump will work if you have the trailer connected to the truck (engine running). I know the OEM electric jacks (and the Ground Control ones) will function in that mode, but haven't tried my hydraulic slides like that. You do need the battery installed, even if it's dead, to complete the circuit.


Thanks to all who responded. We can plug in at the park but the where it is stored we can't, the problem is the park will be moving our rig so we won't be able to disconnect the batteries. I guess we can ask the storage company to do it for us.