Sol 280


Active Member
My 2023 North Trail 21RBSS is prepped for Sol solar and I'm considering going with the Sol 280. With it being fairly new, I'm having trouble finding any reviews or relevant information beyond that provided on the Heartland site.
I'm a total solar newbie, so it it's as easy as it sounds, it's worth it for me to pay a small premium for plug-and-play.
I'm curious if the prep is as complete as claimed. (I'm suspicious because my rearview camera prep was NOT complete!)
Also, any info on pricing? AIMSpower has it listed at $925, but shipping is $266 to New York or $500-$1000 to the Toronto area where I am! I'm wondering what dealers would charge either in Ontario or in New York state?
I've emailed Heartland but no response as of yet.
Really, any info would be appreciated.


Well-known member
Why don't you investigate solar companies in Canada? This is a small business venture many people have taken on, and with the proliferation of off-the-grid cabins in Canada, I would think it is a popular business there as it is in the states of Alaska and Maine. You should save a lot on shipping, and have local service support nearby.


Active Member
Why don't you investigate solar companies in Canada? This is a small business venture many people have taken on, and with the proliferation of off-the-grid cabins in Canada, I would think it is a popular business there as it is in the states of Alaska and Maine. You should save a lot on shipping, and have local service support nearby.
That's a good point! I suppose it would make sense to investigate it, and I will, but being the the west GTA (greater Toronto area), I'm much closer to New York state than to any Canadian space where off the grid living would be workable. The prices up here tend to be very high due to the exchange rate and higher shipping costs. I have some US dollars I can use, so I tend to try and avoid the exchange on things like this.