What I'm talking about is the factory wheel on my 2012 F350 has rubber valve stems I been running TPM on them for the last 7 years with no problems until last year when one did develop a leak. So, it's time for new tires for the truck, check with Ford today and they don't offer metal valve stems replacement. Don't know if there is an aftermarket metal one available that well work on a factory rim and can be programmed to the truck computer or not. I don't understand why the factory rims don't have metal ones to begin with I thought all E rated rims had them. So, I need to find out for sure if there are aftermarket ones available and be sure that they will work on my wheels and programed to the factory computer with no issues. has anybody been in this situation? I should mention the factory TPM system on my 2012 only tells me when a tire is low, and doesn't even tell me witch one it is, is why I run aftermarket TPM on the valve stems.