de lights, de lights!
Got the lights installed in the living room and kitchen on my rig today. They look pretty good. Now, how much light they put out will be determined tonight.
I replaced the standard 12V lights with two tube 15 watt florescent fixtures. Still have two to replace. The one over the sink and the one over the computer desk has gotta go.The florescent fixture that was supposed to be installed over the computer desk was put up in the kitchen right over the entrance way. The replacement fixture was just too long. Hence, the slight change of plans.
I'll try to get a couple of pictures up tomorrow. But, I gotta admit..ya seen one light fixture, ya seen 'em all. Anyway you cut it, the drain on the battery is going to be significantly reduced. Which should lower the load on the converter.
The entertainment for today was one legged me climbing an 8 foot ladder. Ah, the pleasures of GimpDom.