Usage of Power Cord Reel


Has anyone removed the Power Cord Reel or relocated it. I removed mine, now wondering if anyone has found a good place for it. I found it to be in the way.


Well-known member
Is it a manual wind up reel or is it an electric wind up reel? Also, what Heartland RV brand and floor plan do you have?


Thanks for your reply.
I have 2013 Big Country with a manual real. Heartland mounted it just inside the main storage door on left side.


Well-known member
Thanks for your reply.
I have 2013 Big Country with a manual real. Heartland mounted it just inside the main storage door on left side.

I see. Well, not a lot of options for relocation. Anywhere else in the main storage area that is more out of the way for you or, maybe put a raised platform in the front generator compartment and bolt if down there.

Finally, consider selling it to another forum or club member at a rally.


Moved on to the next thing...
I wish that Heartland would just put a power outlet on the outside of the trailer to attach a power cord instead of a hole where you have to push the cord back in just the right way or it won't fit in there right!

Every time I have to push the power cord back into it's storage space, it always draws blood! :mad:


Well-known member

Heartland does have a side wall mounted receptacle on some of our brands. I suppose it's a cost thing. Consider doing this mod on your TT. Be sure to reinforce the interior area where you mount the receptacle.

Here's one to consider (link for 30 amp / link for 50 amp) or order one from Heartland parts (save 10% for being a club member).



Well-known member
I was never a fan of the cord reel in the street side storage compartment. Always looked like it would be in the road trying to access items in the storage. I put my cord in an old milk crate and set it inside the door of the compartment. Works for me.


Well-known member
When i bought my unit a power reel cord was on it. I would not have ordered it as i previously had a 30 amp cord. Those 50 amp cords are heavy so i would get it if i was ordering a new one. Would it help to reel it into your truck bed? Just a thought- i don't know the size of the reel. Good luck


Mountain Region Director-Retired
I wish that Heartland would just put a power outlet on the outside of the trailer to attach a power cord instead of a hole where you have to push the cord back in just the right way or it won't fit in there right!

Every time I have to push the power cord back into it's storage space, it always draws blood! :mad:

[John: Did you review Jim's link for a 30 A inlet? I am thinking about changing out my cord to this system. Wonder if it will fit into the same hole or we have to modify the existing hole. Let me know if you are changing out your cord as well. ]


Well-known member
When we did a factory tour in July 14 of the Landmark/BH/BC production line the units we saw had electric cord reels (powered retraction) installed through the exterior walls on the off door side rear corner of the units. Looked and worked great. Had the guide demo for us. Don't know which floor plans they were on but it looked and worked great.


Moved on to the next thing...
John: Did you review Jim's link for a 30 A inlet? I am thinking about changing out my cord to this system. Wonder if it will fit into the same hole or we have to modify the existing hole. Let me know if you are changing out your cord as well.

I did . . . and that is exactly what I am looking for!

I will be doing this upgrade sometime this winter, but probably not before the January Rally.

I have a couple of other projects that take priority over this one . . . one of them being replacing the BlowMaxes!