Wiring Question...need help


Well-known member
Per the recommendation of this forum, I bought a wireless box to replace the hidden light switch in my 3160EL.

Question....I thought I was going to see 2 wires by the switch...but there are 4, coming from sets of wires. The 2 red/white wires are connected to the switch, while the 2 white wires are attached together.

The box shows both + and - inputs. Not sure what I should do....

Please advise...

2015-04-11 15.42.41.jpg 2015-04-11 15.41.47.jpg


Well-known member
The whites are the grounds and the reds are the power, one red will be hot all the time the other goes to the light.


Well-known member
so how do I integrate the switch? Use the ground wires?

The red & white from the light go to output and the red & white with power are input, a test light or meter will tell you witch red is hot. the wire is probably zip cord so just pull on them to see witch white go with witch red.


Well-known member
Thanks jnbhobe!!!!

I now have a wireless switch at eye level and the original switch hidden BEHIND the door at knee is now out of service...YIPPEE!!!!

BTW...the red/white wire was power and the pink/white wire is the one that ran to the LED's in the ceiling.