Full-timing forum discussion (2015)


Well-known member
Hey Full-timers and wanna bees.....

We have this single Full-timing sub-forum but I was wondering if now is the time to blow it out a bit. What I mean by that is to remove the Full-timing sub-forum from the Camping forum and have Full-timing be its own stand-alone forum with sub-forums underneath it.

For example:

Full-timing Forum
- What is full-timing
- What are coach considerations for full-timing
- What are personal considerations for full-timing
- How do full-timers get their RVs serviced
- How do full-timers handl Jury Duty

The above outline is just an example. We have a very large number of Full-timers, many of whom are my friends. And I know you have a lot to offer. So, I'd like to hear from you :)

  1. Should we create more of a Full-timing forum with relevant sub-forums or is what we have now, plus other forums on the Internet, good enough
  2. If yes to 1 above, give me your ideas on what those sub-forums should be



Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

Since we've been rving since 1979 and fulltiming since 2000, we rarely have questions and have established sources for nearly anything. This and other forums offer lots of information for us, but new Heartland owners considering fulltiming haven't established all these resources. However, since the vast majority of Heartland owners are not fulltimers, it seems unnecessary to expand this portion of a very full forum.


Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

I didn't realize there was a full time forum. If it was front & center it may get more play. I do use the Good Sam Full Time Forum frequently, as do others. It's a good idea.


Past Heartland Ambassador
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

That would be a good idea...I too didn't realize there was a full time forum...would gladly participate.


Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

Same here, I didn't know there was a sub forum. Although I have no intentions of full timing any time soon, the thought of full timing is intriguing and I want to learn more about the ins and outs.


Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

Would very much like to see this move into its own forum. Recommend the following for consideration as sub-categories: Club Memberships, Budgeting, Route Planning, Winter Landings, Augmenting Income, Tax Talk, Extended Stay Pitfalls, Full-Time Friendly States/Campgrounds, Health Care, Emergency Planning.


Legendary Member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

I think it would be a good thing also. Like Marv and Connie, we are pretty experienced but "newbies" or "wannabe's" could benefit. Most of the other major RV forums have dedicated full time forum. This would also tie right in with the Landmark 365 being a full timer coach.


Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

Ditto on "not knowing" We full-time since 2011 and I gathered a lot of info from Escapees, which is really geared towards full-timers, long before we jumped in with both feet. I certainly would participate in any discussions on that sub-forum but only to the extent that I participate currently by looking at "What's new" and reading/responding to those issues that I find interesting. I usually don't go directly to any specific forum/sub forum since I might miss something. That being said, I see the value of a more prominent forum to possibly increase the dialog in this subject.


Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

Since we've been rving since 1979 and fulltiming since 2000, we rarely have questions and have established sources for nearly anything. This and other forums offer lots of information for us, but new Heartland owners considering fulltiming haven't established all these resources. However, since the vast majority of Heartland owners are not fulltimers, it seems unnecessary to expand this portion of a very full forum

Marv and Connie (and other experienced fulltimers):
Although your many years of fulltiming experience would make this forum of little use to you, this is an opportunity to share your fulltiming tips learned over the years with Heartland fulltiming newbies (like me). 1/2 of the participation in this forum is in the giving, not just the getting.
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Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

We are about to start full timing. Very interested.


Past Heartland Ambassador
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

Since we've been rving since 1979 and fulltiming since 2000, we rarely have questions and have established sources for nearly anything. This and other forums offer lots of information for us, but new Heartland owners considering fulltiming haven't established all these resources. However, since the vast majority of Heartland owners are not fulltimers, it seems unnecessary to expand this portion of a very full forum/QUOTE]

Marv and Connie (and other experienced fulltimers):
Although your many years of fulltiming experience would make this forum of little use to you, this is an opportunity to share your fulltiming tips learned over the years with Heartland fulltiming newbies (like me). 1/2 of the participation in this forum is in the giving, not just the getting.

I agree...there are more full timers on here then one would imagine....in addition, not only are many of us full timers, we are full timers with a vast knowledge of Heartland products!!


Founding Texas-West Chapter Leaders-Retired
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

I read "What's New" Like Lou said, and contribute when I have knowledge. I think a dedicated FULL-TIMING forum, as long as the threads still pull up in the "What's New" feature, would be great! And to have it all organized by categories, like previously mentioned, would be helpful for those thinking about full-timing. We were thinking it would be a long time off, but a job change made "living in the RV" the obvious answer for us. We have learned a lot in 2.5 months, some of it, the hard way. LOL!


Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

Marv and Connie (and other experienced fulltimers):
Although your many years of fulltiming experience would make this forum of little use to you, this is an opportunity to share your fulltiming tips learned over the years with Heartland fulltiming newbies (like me). 1/2 of the participation in this forum is in the giving, not just the getting.

I agree with Bill on this. The more full-timers can relay their experiences, the more help it will be to future full-timers.


Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

We started fulltiming this past Jun, having never RV'ed. Making a long story short... All that we have learned so far has come from forums (especially this one), blogs, and talking to all the wonderful people we have meet.. So, would a fulltime forum be good? Sure, but no matter if it is in a main topic or a sub-topic us "newbies" will still have you all help answer questions.

What do we have? Landmark: Grand Canyon
Jury duty? Haven't been asked yet
Our RV dealer (RV's For Less) has handled our warranty issues and done a wonderful job.

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Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

I would love an expanded section like that. :) I think Eric had some really good ideas for subcategories.


New York Chapter Leaders - retired
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

I am for moving the thread to the front. Never saw the past sub-thread and since we plan on fulltiming in the future I think it would be great.


Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

We are interesred in learning more about full timing. Make it easy to access. we will visit and learn.


Founding Louisiana Chapter Leaders-Retired
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

I think it is a good thing as well. We are the younger full timers that are still tied to local jobs so we can't go north and south with the seasons but we still travel as much as possible and come home to our home park. We have been doing this for over 2.5 years now and more we think and look back on this decision we would only make one change, do it sooner lol. So with that said we would be willing to share our experiences with others even though we do things a little different. Lol

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Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

I'm for it! I feel like we are strange full-timers, though, in that we never move the camper anymore! ;) But we have been in a camper for extended periods several times since 2006, with babies and small kids. :D


Well-known member
Re: Full-timing Forum? Does anyone want it?

I think it would be a great idea for those of us who are full-time to share with others who are looking to go full-time or new full-timers who need some advice and/or encouragement.