Recent content by JohnDar

  1. JohnDar

    Lippert On-the-go Ladder

    To be honest, while we had the 3670, using the mounted ladder to get on the roof was never a problem at 165 lbs. I had an Extend & Climb to get at the front cap and slides for cleaning, but always used the rear ladder to get on the roof. Did replace a couple of cracking rung supports, but the...
  2. JohnDar

    No WATER!!

    The Augusta was the same basic layout as the BH3670. The pipes for the W/D ran through a pipe chase above the curbside cargo door. At the port in the closet is where the shutoff valves were installed. If you can reach them, turn them off and disconnect the washer lines and attach a length of...
  3. JohnDar

    is it possible to heat bedroom area of 5th wheel trailer only to save on battery life

    On the topic of closing off furnace vents. If you replace the stock floor registers with adjustable ones, there is no way closing off some to redirect the flow will result in damage or fire. Did it with the 3670 we had for almost 11 years. That’s not the same as blocking the lines right at the...
  4. JohnDar

    Quietest Forum of them all?

    Back when we had a 3670 and s GMC 3500 dually, I put Timbrens on. Easy install, no fiddling with air lines, and without the trailer on, the standard leaf springs still rode “like a truck[emoji23]”. But then, we only towed twice a year, 200 miles to a seasonal site and back. Ya pays yer money...
  5. JohnDar

    Replacing basement floor, have questions

    When we had the 3670, I taped wire mesh over the grame holes then used spray expansion foam over it to hold it. For openings with wires or struts, a piece of old inner tube with a slot to a hole just big enough to fit over the object, screwed to the frame. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. JohnDar

    Where is water fill and city hook up 2006 3400rl

    On the HL 5th wheels, it’s normally in the UDC, the small door behind the cargo door on the street side. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. JohnDar

    Bighorn - Holding tanks locations

    If it’s not in the UDC, look for a round opening in the frame on the sewer connection side. They’ve been known to hide valves behind the frame. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. JohnDar

    Window screen replacement

    If the screen frame isn’t broken, you can replace the screen mesh yourself. Using a small flat blade screwdriver, remove the spline from the channel. It may be glued in spots, but you can work it loose by picking at it. Then remove the mesh. Use new mesh cut about an inch larger than the frame...
  9. JohnDar

    Lippert stabilizer not retracting

    Plug your umbilical cord back into the tow vehicle and try it again with the engine running. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. JohnDar

    Water leak, no watering coach

    If you are able to replace it, find a brass one. The Sharkbite idea is a good one. When ours in the 3670 blew, it was behind the toilet, not the shower faucet. Remedy was to grab the lines to it and pull it down into the basement. Cut the junk off and used a Sharkbite one way check valve as a...
  11. JohnDar

    Water leak, no watering coach

    Undoubtedly the anti-siphon valve has self-destructed up in a wall cavity. If you’re lucky, it’s located behind a removable plate in the shower. Unlucky, it’s hidden in a wall cavity behind and above the toilet with no direct access. From personal experience, it’s a poorly designed piece of...
  12. JohnDar

    Awning Motor Replacement

    Back in the day, someone said it was basically an automotive electric window motor. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. JohnDar

    Cleaning ducting

    If feces left behind is a concern, maybe one of those dryer vent brush sets you connect to an electric drill would get it loose. They typically will extend(sections) to about 15 feet. Just be sure to always run the drill in the drive setting, not reverse, even when backing it out. If you reverse...
  14. JohnDar

    Gravity Fill Leaking -

    If you have one of the earlier versions of the Anderson valve, it may be leaking water to the tank even though it’s set to City water. Was a common problem a few years back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. JohnDar

    2011 Elkridge jack repair.

    Lifting with only one jack risks twisting the frame. Not a good thing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk