Easy for me to say as we have our rig...but when AnaLyn and I think back about the entire purchase event from researching brands to taking delivery, the anticipation was part of that adventure. I can truthfully say now that it added to the experience.
Best Wishes and enjoy that new rig when it...
I am not making excuses nor offering a defense simply trying to offer some consoling thoughts.
I know from experience that this is a very busy time for RV manufacturers. The pre-season rush is upon them and perhaps delays from suppliers or whatever has altered expected finish dates. I...
Congratulations on the new rig! No doubt you will be impressed and pleased with the Landmark. We have been very happy with our Heartland Big Country.
Best Wishes!
I bought a couple replacements from Jensen Direct. Great service! Unless you want bigger speakers I personally would fill the existing screw holes and reuse them.
Looking for some information from those of you that have stayed at Cape Blanco. First, I notice it is a first come, first served park taking no reservations and the "arrival time" is 4:00 PM. Do people really wait until the 4:00 hour to enter the park and look for a site? And my second...
The original caulk is start to chalk pretty bad and it is so difficult to find a caulk that matches. I found a neat tool that makes removing the old fairly easy (exept around the graphics) and some caulking I like. I enjoy the busy work to keep the rig pristine so not a big issue for me!
I am hoping to locate some of the graphic material used on the 2011 Big Country color scheme. I really don't need anything but a few scraps of each color. I am assuming it is a "tape" product.
I am in the process of re-caulking the entire rig. As I remove the old caulk (no matter how careful I...
The first trip we made with our Big Country was to the local CAT scale. Just had to know! We must pack light as our weights were a little less than yours (we do not carry water, no generator and have regular windows.) 10,340 on the trailer axles. Don't know about the 140lb issue with the empty...
Re: ATF: Bighorn - Window Seal - Not Leaking
I am told the windows have an inner seal to keep them from leaking. The sides and bottom especially are not caulked to allow water to drain away. I did add caulking to the sides of my windows but not at the bottom. Just seems like the thing to do...
From Rejex website...
RejeX can be used over existing wax; however, the duration of protection will be reduced as the softer underlying wax degrades comparatively quickly. There is no reason to wax over RejeX. As we’ve already said, RejeX leaves a shinier, longer-lasting finish than wax… and...
Scary comments to say the least! Our 3450TS is a 2011 also with a 2009 build date on the placard. The day I got it I applied Rejex to both the front and rear caps. Hope this helps with the fading issue! I continue to apply it three or four times a year...so far, so good! I am currently in the...
Re: New Cyclone 3950 owner - not happy with Tires
So sorry you are having the tire issue with your new rig...that always puts a damper on the long awaited purchase. This does however, in my opinion, sound like a dealer problem. Odd about the clearance space between axles. I assume all tires are...
Like the others have said, most any brand seems to work fine. We have never needed more than 20 feet and most often only one 10 ft section. I have used the BlueLine product and now have the Valterra. Tried to get a Rhino but local shop was out. Often they sell the Rhino at WalMarts!
We made a "long distance" purchase...2600 miles to be exact. Had the BC delivered to our driveway. We too were somewhat apprehensive about the process but there is no doubt in my mind that the dealer we purchased from had done a thorough PDI prior to shipping. They made a DVD of our exact rig...
I have had this same issue...not able to get the 110psi and it was the compressor. A small compressor rated at 125psi cannot seem to get the tires to 110psi. I have to borrow the neighbors bigger compressor!
Dollar for dollar its hard to beat the value of the Heartland products or the quality of customer service. I have owned other brands but have been very happy with this most recent purchase.
Best Wishes in your Quest!
You have gotten some great information with the above posts. From my personal perspective, unless you are getting a very good deal on this specific unit, I would be inclined to "keep shopping". The North Trails are very nice RV's. This one is two years old with a delamination issue. There are...
I would certainly appreciate a "report". So much to choose from I wouldn't know where to begin. I would like brighter and more of a whiter type light in our rig.
Hello from WA!
We will get you a deposit check ASAP! Looking forward to the event. I emailed the WA members with a reminder encouraging a WA presence in Canyonville! Seven Feathers is a fun place. See you in August!
I think this is a key statement. In many situations the issues only come to light when there is an incident investigation. If someone is involved in an accident, weight and equipment stats become much more important to LEO and insurance companies. As a pilot, I can't remember one time being...
We are fine with our "stix and bricks" situation but everyone (at least me) needs a hobby or interest to keep them going...ours happens to be weekend RVing. Using our Big Country is where we spend what vacation funds we might have. $238 is about one week of site rentals in our area. That is a...
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